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We need help

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Hi! We are a group of students of the "Universidad Católica Sant Vicente Mártir in Spain. We are studiyng for being a teacher. We want to know about you university because we are thinking about do an eramus there.
We would like you will inform us about standard of living, like the prize of the establishment there, also we want to know the subjets and the prize of them. Could you inform us about the scholarships? We wait you answer. Thanks your for your time.

Hola Marina, como estas?

The living cost starts moslty at 300 euros for a room. it can also reach a max of 600 euos per room. 

I don;t understand this : also we want to know the subjets and the prize of them. What do you mean with this sentence?

You can write me in Spanish so you can express your questions better.

Sadly i can't inform you about scholarships for foreign students because i have no clue what process you will have to go through as a foreigner.

But I can give you more info on any other topic though. Have a nice day and will hear from you soon!

Resultaat 1-2 van 2 inschrijvingen


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