Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

Szcezcin 2024/2025

Discussie gemaakt door flag-xx Anna — 6 maanden geleden

Resultaat 1-3 van 3 inschrijvingen


Ciao a tutti! Vorrei creare una chat per tutti quelli che devono recarsi a Stettino per questa sessione invernale, spero che l'idea Vi piaccia e che risponderete in tanti?

Hello everyone! I would like to create a chat for all those who have to go to Szczecin for this winter session, I hope you like the idea and that you will answer many?

Hello, I would like to have a chat with you. 

Hey, I'm going for the summer semester. Can we connect?

Resultaat 1-3 van 3 inschrijvingen


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