Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

Someone who is preparing for ERASMUS 2017/2018 in PORTO

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I am Michaela from Czech Republic. I would like to study in Porto. But I would be there with someone who will be new one like me. 

I can not Portuguese but I love this country. I would therefore met someone who is interested in studying in Porto. 

If someone wanted to contact and have a chat, I will be glad. 

hello I will be in Porto during July, August, September and October, will you come these dates?

I am thinking that I'll come for all winter semester. But still I am not sure =) 


Are you already there?

Hello Nikola,

i'am Hugo and i'am waiting for new students in Porto, please let me know if you come to Porto to study.

have a nice day!

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