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Portuguese Course

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I'm Adriana and I'm a PhD-student from Italy!

I'll be here for four months (from June until the end of Septmber) and I'd like to learn Portuguese. Some of you knows if there are cheap Portuguese course? Because I've seen that courses that are organized by school are very expensive.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Kind regards,

Ciao Adriana!

I'm from Porto.

Now i'm spending my first Phd year in Bologna, however, I will be in Porto during the summer (end of July - beginning of September). So, we can always make "tandem" :)

Hope you enjoy Porto. It is an amazing city!


Ciao Margarida!

Nice to meet you! :)
I hope that you'll enjoy Bologna, too. I've never been there (I come from Sicily, but now I'm studyng at Lecce), but I have some friends from Bologna and they are very happy to live there and proud of their city!
I think that you'll like it very much!

Porto seems so lovely and I hope that wheater will be soon good to join totally the city!
So, I'll wait you at July for our "tandem" :)

Thanks a lot!

Keep in touch!
My facebook contact is "Adri Saoirse"


Hi :)

The weather has to change, mainly because this weekend is São João, the nicest party in Porto. So satuday night you will see lots of people outside with a plastic hammer in their hands...is a crazy tradition.

I'm loving Bologna. I understand why your friends are proud of this city!

I will keep in touch,


Hello Adriana!

For what I read, I suppose you're looking for European Portuguese?

Well, I teach Portuguese, but Brazilian Portuguese. I'm not sure if this can also help you...

Anyway, I have a blog about Portuguese with many tips of grammar, vocabulary etc., and most whith audio to help with pronunciation.

This is the address: http://versaobrasileira.blog.br/speakportuguese/

Good luck! ;)


Hi, Adriana!

My name is Michelle. I will be in Porto during September and I can give you some Portuguese private lessons. Please, contact me.

Have a nice time in Porto!


I'd like to know something about portuguese lesson; my university should have a course but I'm not sure.

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