Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

Apartments from october till february

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I'm Dita, an art student from Latvia, i'm going to stay in Porto from 28th of september to the middle of february. I'm going to my Erasmus studies in University of Porto.

I would like to rent an aparment near/in city center or share a rent with someone.  

Please, contact me, if you have some free apartment to offer. 

Thanks, Dita

Hi Dita! I'm also searching for an apartment in the same period :) if you find something we can share please let me know and I'll do the same! Ok?

Hello, Dita and all Erasmus student of Porto. I'm Yann, I arrived in Porto a few weeks ago. It 's quite easy to find a room here. ( i arrive a friday and one day after i had finded a room in a share flat ).

Look in : immòveis / quartos para arrendar

To make the research more accurate I just entered a key word with the name of the metro station where i wanted to finde an accomodation.

Resultaat 1-3 van 3 inschrijvingen


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