Erasmus Pamplona 2012 / 2013 (English)
Discussie gemaakt door Erasmusu Staff
— 13 jaar geleden
Resultaat 1-19 van 19 inschrijvingen
Erasmusu Staff
Geschreven 13 jaar geleden
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Pamplona 2012 / 2013!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Pamplona in 2012 / 2013 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Pamplona, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:
- The general forum for Pamplona
- The accommodation in Pamplona
- The blog Erasmus Pamplona
- What to see in Pamplona, Erasmus party, where to eat
- Erasmus experiences in Pamplona
- People who have been, are and will be in Pamplona
- A photo gallery of Pamplona
- The map and weather in Pamplona
- The universities in Pamplona
Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Pamplona or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Pamplona.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
maja vrataric
Geschreven 12 jaar geleden
Hey guys! I'm supposed to come to Pamplona this summer and stay for 10 months but I don't know where to stay or where to eat... Can somebody tell me about the prices and cost of living in Pamplona? Thanks a lot!!! :)))))
Xältxä Uä
Geschreven 12 jaar geleden
Hi guys! How are you? I'm Xabier Urrutia, from Navarre and I am also studying at the Public University of Navarre! This semester I am studying in Finland like erasmus too, but the following year, from September 2012 until June of 2013 I will continue studying in Pamplona! So I would like to find a flat with other Erasmus students 2/3/4 or more and in this way continue improving my English, and also with the Erasmus atmosphere! So if you are interested in sharing the floor with me, answer me or just add me to facebook: Xältxä Uä
Virginia Ruiz
Geschreven 12 jaar geleden
Hi! I am a spanish student in Pamplona and I am living in a shared flat with two of my friend, however I am going on Erasmus next year and my room is free for the whole course.
If anyone is interested please contact me. The flat is really good, that is why my flatmates are not moving, it is really close to the university and on the street where all the bars and restaurants are.
My flatmates are spanish too, but can speak good english so if anyone wants to learn spanish and live in a great place tell me.
Mateja Skaric
Geschreven 12 jaar geleden
Oh, I see we moved the flat-ads here. :) Smart, as I honestly don't want to be paying to contact anyone.
Anyhoo, I'm Mateja from Croatia and I'll most likely be in Pamplona from September next year. So far, I have only gotten the scholarship for the fall semester, but I'd love to stay for the whole year.
I'm looking for an appartment, either with other Erasmus students or with Spanish ones, as I'd really love to perfect my lousy Spanish while there. I'm C2 in English, as I lived in London for 6 months, so maybe we can help each other out? :D
Mateja xxx
Xältxä Uä
Geschreven 12 jaar geleden
Hi Mateja!!! Yeah if u want we can share the appartment, have u got FB (mine account name is: " Xältxä Uä " )? if u want u can add me and we can talk more about it and also find the other flatmates. Btw there is a group of FB too of Erasmus Pamplona 2012/2013, so u can join us there too! What do u think?
Hope to hear from you soon,
Roberto Falco
Geschreven 12 jaar geleden
Hi! I am an italian student, I'm going on Erasmus from the first of august until the last of october, i would like to share a flat with other Erasmus students. Is there someone interested?
Vedrana Kacic
Geschreven 12 jaar geleden
Hello everyone ... Is someone interested in sharing a flat from January till June? And can anyone please tell some general informations about Pamplona? Thankssss
Maria Chiara
Geschreven 12 jaar geleden
Hi! I am an italian student,from Palermo,sicily. I'm going on Erasmus from the first of january until june, i would like to share a flat with other Erasmus or spanish students. Is there someone interested? can you add me on facebook if you got it ,my account is Maria Chiara de Luca.
Edu Sanz
Geschreven 12 jaar geleden
hello, I am studing in Pamplona and I have a beautiful apartment in the center of the student area, 5 minutes from the university. We are four students more, and we love the music, film and sports. We love to interact and have many friends, we love the people of Erasmus and his environment. The apartment has everything, an enormous living room with stereo, turntable, televison and leather sofas. The fully equipped rooms and the price is only € 265. If you are interested contact me on facebook, Edu Sanz Borobio. We are happy to live with you
educactiva academia
Geschreven 12 jaar geleden
Have you just arrived in Pamplona and do you want to learn Spanish? Have you been here for a while already but want to improve your knowledge? Or perhaps convalidate qualifications? Would you like to meet people who are in the same situation? In EDUCACTIVA offer you the opportunity to do all these things through our courses and activities.
Because learning Spanish can be really fun ...
Come on, take part!
If you are interested you can find:
-google: educactivacei
-facebook: educactivacentrodeeducacionintegral.
In case you want to meet in person our street address is Esquiroz 22, Pamplona.
Geschreven 12 jaar geleden
Hello, we are two girls, nursing students, and we will be in Pamplona from December to end of February. We are looking for a flat to rent or share. If you know anything, let us know. Thank you.
Hakan Akyüz
Geschreven 12 jaar geleden
Soy Turco y voy a estudiar en upna en el segundo cuatrimestre.Pienso vivir en un piso cerca de la upna con estudientes espanolos o erasmus. busco una habitacion.Puedo hablar espanol un poco y quiero mejorarlao.llegare a Pamplona en el 4 de febrero.Dime si puede ayudarme.Saludos
Hey everyone,
i am a Turkish student and i am going to study at upna in second semester.i am looking for an apartment to share with other students or just a room for me.i am going to arrive to Pamplona at the very beginning of february.if anyone has an available room for me,pls let me know,send a message.or if you are looking for an apartment, we can search together and find a place to share.
Miren Magno
Geschreven 12 jaar geleden
hola! yo tengo una habitación libre en el piso. cuando vengas llamame y vienes a verlo. hablo ingles pero podemos hablar en español para que aprendas mejor!
Zoe Torrans
Geschreven 12 jaar geleden
I am studying in Pamplona from January and was wondering if the room was still available for rent?
zairi fatma
Geschreven 12 jaar geleden
HHHii everyone ,
We are 2 girls coming to pamplona from france and we need rooms for the end of march to 3 months if you are informations or rooms recomandation let me know :D
my facebook : fatmaa zairi
Imanol Sánchez
Geschreven 12 jaar geleden
Hello, I am from Pamplona and I am interested in meet people from other countries with the aim of speak English. Of course, we may speak half of the time in Spanish and, as I have born in the city, this can be advantageous for you too.
Hope hearing from you!
Tereza Hofmanova
Geschreven 12 jaar geleden
Hey Imanol!
I'm coming to Pamplona in a few days. It would be great meeting someone who know the city and also speaks English :) I'm from Czech.
Ismael Gómez
Geschreven 12 jaar geleden
We are 2 students from Pamplona. One of us studies at the Public University of Navarra (UPNA) and other at the University of Navarra (UNAV). The flat is close to the UNAV and the school of nursing of the UPNA. We are looking for another two students.
Our English is intermediate. The flat has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, large living-dining room, large TV, washing machine, dishwasher. Every room has a working desk, lamp, cupboard, nighttable and single bed.
There is free broadband WIFI in every room.
Resultaat 1-19 van 19 inschrijvingen