Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

i can't find place to live :(

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Does anyone has some good information for accomodation? 

Hi, Karla! I am trying to find the same. Did you have any success finding anything useful?

Thank you!

On this page there are some places where you can send massage first (you can see it when you scroll down) and ask if it is available and then send reservation request, this way you do not waste your time waiting for landlord to accept / decline your offer. So i wrote a message and copied / paste it to all "available" apartamants, ofcours 90% are not available which is annoying because why does it say it is, but those couple of them  will hopefully answer you that they are free :)

this is how I found my place :)

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