Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

Erasmus Catania 2010 / 2011 (English)

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Welcome to the forum for Catania 2010 / 2011!

This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Catania in 2010 / 2011 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices, places for parties, how to get to Catania, etc. Here you can also find:

- The general forum for Catania
- People who have been, are and will be in Catania
- A photo gallery of Catania
- Erasmus experiences in Catania
- The map and weather in Catania
- The Universities in Catania

If you're a student who's spent time in Catania in the past you can share your experiences and vote for Catania by clicking here. The cities with the best and most interesting experiences will appear higher up in the ranking of Erasmus cities. Help Catania win the number one spot!

Livin' la vida Erasmus!

hey, so I'm from Warwick uni and coming to Catania in late September, dunno if anyone uses this! But I'm still looking for a place to stay, in case the Caracciolo residence doesn't work out. Anyone else still searching? :)

Hi there! I'm from Spain, and I will arrive to Catania August 31 (I must be there before September 1). I'm looking for a place to stay there too, but I guess I will start searching when I will arrive there, beacuse one of my program contacts is supossed to have reserved a room for me in the students residence, although I still don't know if it is open when I arrive... (I asked, but no answer yet :s )

hey! Sorry this is late....I'm in Catania now, moving into an appartment on Saturday, found one eventually and it's really nice! Did your accomodation get sorted out? Really hope so! Do you know any details about the welcome day on the 26th? Hope all is going well for you!

Hi again! Don't worry, I've been without being able to access to this page, so I've just seen your message right now. Hey, so you already have an appartment, that's cool!
There won't be any free room, right? It would be great, hehehe. I am aslo here in Catania, right now I'm staying at a student residence, but I'd like to move to a flat, but found nothing yet. If you know about any free room, please tell me.
By the way, I'm not really a Erasmus student, Im here with the Leonardo program (you heard about it?), so not sure about the welcome day, but I could check it...
See you!

Hey there!
I am already in Catania...and I am very very alone :-( I dont know what to do the whole day! What are you doing in Catania? Maybe we can meet and can do some sightseeing together or anything like this...would be great ;)
The welcome day is on 27th of september and starts at 10 o'clock in the morning at Via Tomaselli 31...if you dont still know that ;-)

Hi Vanessa!
Don't worry it was the same for me on the first days, I didn't know anybody, but in the time I've been in the students dormitory I have met lot of people!
Yeah sure, for me it's fine, I don't have any problems to meet and going sightseeing, or party, hehehe. Although probably you already know some people too, but for me is great if you want do something. This is my italian mobile number: +39 329 40 47 643, so any of you feel free to write me or call me whenever you want. Probably this weekend we will be doing something in case anyone wants to join us.
By the way, sorry to taking so much time to reply in the forum, I've just seen the message.
See you around!

hey there ,
i will be in catania on february- 2011 .but i dont know anything about catania. My mail address is [email protected] there anyone who will be catania on the second semestre

I will be in Catania on February 2011 too ;) Is there anyone who could tell me something about dormitory in Catania? Is it good place to live? ;) my email address: [email protected]


I will spend the spring semester in Catania too :) Where should I rent a room? which part of the city is the best to live? :) my email adress is [email protected]

The best part to live in Catania is at the city center!! I do not recomend the residence Caracciolo or any residence, just because it`s far from Piazza Duomo or the city center(where all the erasmus students live and where you can find all the pubs and discos).
It's better to rent a room near Piazza Duomo, "Il Mercato", vía Humberto,Vía Etnea,near from a place very famouse called "L'Ostello Agorà",Corso Italia, Via Vittorio Emanuele.....
If you need some help just contact me, I'm not at Catania right now but I did my eramsus experiencie last year so whatever u need,I'll be here.
Good luck and enjoy yourselves at Catania,it's wonderfull specialy during April,May,June and July! =)


Hola! Me acabo de enterar que mi destino es CATANIA!!! Vamos a ver si nos conocemos antes de ir... agregadme al tuenti o nos comunicamos por email--> [email protected] Por cierto, soy de Murcia y estudio derecho.

ciao tutti! :))

i arrived to catania 10 ottobre 10 and now summer is coming..i am here for 2 semester..i think tht catania is very beautiful city on the Sud Italıa..mi piace tutti in questa citta..i will leave from here on 10 july ..i will miss all the things about here.. :)))) there were beautiful memories on my mind..primavera e arrivata adesso..tutto bene :))

Cześć Katarzyna! Jestem brytyjski ale uczę się polskiego także. Wysłać mnie wiadomość :)

Jestem także w Katanii od lutego.
mój adres jest [email protected].


Hi there! I know the topic is quite old, but maybe someone who tried the Caracciolo residence still reads it? As far as I know, there's no contact with that residence, at least that's what I've heard :P I'm not worried yet (coming to Catania in Feb '11), but it would be soooo cool if anyone told me whether it's worth fighting (?) for a place in Caracciolo at all :)

I strongly recomend u not to stay at Caracciolo. It's far from the city center and during night there is no bus to get there! Better a flat! Have a nice erasmus experience! ;)

hey - i'm a phd student and will spend 4-6 weeks starting from 1st of nov 2011 in catania for part of my writing up process... currently I'm looking for a room furnished, internet, nice flatmats, good location (~250 €). It would be great if you share if you know any!


I will be in Catania on January 10, 2011 (for two months) and I looking for a room or a mate to share a flat. Please let me know if somebody can help me with information or suggestion.


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