Erasmusu Staff
Scritto 14 anni fa
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Tampere 2011 / 2012!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Tampere in 2011 / 2012 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices, places for parties, how to get to Tampere, etc. Here you can also find:
- The general forum for Tampere
- People who have been, are and will be in Tampere
- A photo gallery of Tampere
- Erasmus experiences in Tampere
- The map and weather in Tampere
- The Universities in Tampere
If you're a student who's spent time in Tampere in the past you can share your experiences and vote for Tampere by clicking here. The cities with the best and most interesting experiences will appear higher up in the ranking of Erasmus cities. Help Tampere win the number one spot!
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Scritto 14 anni fa
I'm a future erasmus student in Tampere from Strasbourg, France! I'll come to Finlande in September 2011! I do not speak finnish at all and hope i can meet some other erasmus students!
Daniel Sánchez
Scritto 14 anni fa
I'm a student from Cartagena (Spain) and I will go to Tampere too in september 2011.
Scritto 14 anni fa
Great! We Will not be alone =)
im trying to find an appartement, nô sucess. What about you?
Daniel Sánchez
Scritto 14 anni fa
I've been looking for an appartment too, and I think the best choice is to find a TOAS, despite I'm still doubting. The website is (in english)
Scritto 14 anni fa
Thx. According to the university'website we will have more informations in May.
I have a (stupid?) question, do you speak Finnish?
Daniel Sánchez
Scritto 14 anni fa
not at all. I will try to learn a little bit before going there, but I've been told it's quite difficult. Do you speak finnish?
Scritto 14 anni fa
Not at all!! Thanks to Youtube I have heard some basic words like "Hi" or "Thanks". Indeed it seems to be so difficult but we have one year to learn it! We just have to hope that people speak English too. Did you choose your courses?
Daniel Sánchez
Scritto 14 anni fa
I hope people speak English too, if not, It's going to be very difficult to me (I'm going to be 3 months in a Hospital there, becauise I'm studying nursery). I don't know where I can learn Finnish and I'm trying to find a place to study the language. What career are you studying?
Reka Bencze
Scritto 14 anni fa
Finnish is not that hard to learn :) I've been learning it for a long now and it's my minor as well at the university.
I have one question for you: how do you all know already that you're going there? the application on the UTA site has just been launched :O
María Vega
Scritto 14 anni fa
HI! I'm from Madrid, and I will go to Tampere in September 2011!! I'm studing nursing too!
samir rimas
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hi everybody ! I'm Samir from paris. University of paris13. I will go to Tampere next year (september 2011) in order to study for 6 months (or 1 year). I wish to know people who want to go too.
Scritto 13 anni fa
Even if Finnish is not so difficult to learn, English will be more useful :)
The university told me that we can take courses of finnish, but it is not obligatory!!
I will learn for 1 year in Tampere, do not know my courses at all!
Concerning the appartment a friend which is studying in Tampere told me thaht we have to wait for the moment..
María Vega
Scritto 13 anni fa
I think we can give us our facebook profile and we can talk about that kind of things. If you want, my facebook profile is
Patricia Hernández
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hello!!!I´m Patricia Hernández Monedero and I´m from Zaragoza.
I´m studying in Tamper the next year too. =)
I don´t know speking Finnish, I hope to speak in English with people.
I will learn for 1 year in Tamper and I will study Industrial engineering in TUT( Tampere University of Technology), someone is going there?
Patricia Hernández
Scritto 13 anni fa
If you want, you will be able to invite me in facebook or tuenti with the name: Patricia Hernández Monedero
András Gyöngy
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hi there!
I'm András Gyöngy from Hungary, TU Budapest and yes, I'll study in the 2012 spring semester at TUT :)
I've alredy got a qestion for You!
I've searched for accomodation in Tampere through the TOAS and I've found that there are shared apartments with 2 or with three beds/rooms. In Hungary I've found a guy who will go to Tampere at the same time and we are looking for a third student, becouse the shared apartments with 3 rooms are cheaper and it would be fun to live in a multicultural atmosphere for a half year.
So is there anybody who wants to be our third flat-mate?
These are the flats:
Best regards,
Christopher Casas
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hello everybody! I'll go to Tampere next course too, from September 2011 till June 2012. I've readen all your post and about the appartments we must aplie to TOAS and we will get an answer in July. I think it's a good idea to give our facebook profiles too to share doubts and feras before arriving in Finland!!
T'hats mine:!/profile.php?id=1088439486
Tomasz Schabek
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hello there!
Erasmus Tampere 2011/2012 page on facebook:
Dani Collado
Scritto 13 anni fa
Hey there! I'm going to Tampere from august 2011, about the apartment, I've only read about TOAS... it's nice to know there will be a lot of people there!!!
Regards, Dani