Erasmus Pisa 2015 / 2016 (English)
Tema creato da Erasmusu Staff
— 10 anni fa
Mostrando 1-14 di 14 pubblicazioni
Erasmusu Staff
Scritto 10 anni fa
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Pisa 2015 / 2016!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Pisa in 2015 / 2016 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Pisa, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:
- The accommodation in Pisa
- Other students that are looking for accommodation
- Students jobs in Pisa
- The general forum for Pisa
- The blog Erasmus Pisa
- What to see in Pisa, Erasmus party, where to eat
- Erasmus experiences in Pisa
- People who have been, are and will be in Pisa
- A photo gallery of Pisa
- The map and weather in Pisa
- The universities in Pisa
Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Pisa or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Pisa.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Hélène Bihan
Scritto 10 anni fa
Hello everybody!
I'm Hélène, 21 years from France and studying Art History!
I can speak french, german, english and italian!
I'll have the pleasure to live and study in Pisa for a year (2015-2016).
Am I alone ? I'll be very happy to speak with some of future pisani students before to come and why not to find some roomates!
See you!
Lourenço Lobo
Scritto 9 anni fa
Hello! I'm going there too, i'm from Portugal, Porto, and studying Philosophy! Je parle un peu de français aussi ahaha a little bit of german, english and spanish, and of course portuguese. But i'll only go for one semester, the first one.. anyway i would like to know some people too :D
Ariadni ν
Scritto 9 anni fa
Hello! I am Ariadni and I study History and Archaeology in Athens! I'll be in Pisa for the first semester. I speak greek, english, spanish and I went to a half-italian high school , so I suppose I'll also speak italian as soon as I get to remember it a bit :) I would like to meet some people, too!
Francesco Savino
Scritto 9 anni fa
Welcome welcome, if you got some questions you can probably ask me :)
Ralph Lentink
Scritto 9 anni fa
My name is Ralph (23 yrs) and study BioMedical Engineering.
Begin september I'll attend a 3 months pending internship in Pisa.
I would be delighted if I met some nice people in the meantime when I am in Pisa!
Hope to see you begin September!
Iza Piecyk
Scritto 9 anni fa
Hey guys ;)
me and my 2 friends (24 yrs) from Poland are coming to Pisa on September(propably the end of month) we are looking for some awsome place to live close to veterrinary uni, but not so far away from the city center, pubs, bars etc ;) If You wouldl ike to join us, in spending free time during these 3 month of our erasmus feel free to text me and if u have anobody who has a free rooms, flats whatever text me as well. If You want to know us dont hesitate and send me a message. Btw see U soon, and have a great time during holiday;*
Gigi Cosentino
Scritto 9 anni fa
I'm Gisela, 20 years and I study Law in Brazil. Going to study in Pisa this next semester.
Would love to get to know people around here so I can practice my Italian :)
I'm also looking for a roomate...
Looking forward to meeting all of you!! :) haha
Grace Toogood
Scritto 9 anni fa
Hi there guys,
Can anyone tell me the average contact hours for an erasmus student from a UK university?
Trying to decide whether I want to move from my work placement here in Florence and start commuting to Pisa. Sadly there are no more spaces in Florence university.
Obviously I need to know how often I will be in uni....
Thank you!
Hans Geerligs
Scritto 9 anni fa
Hey people!
I am student in mechanical engineering from the Netherlands doing an internship in Livorno.
Currently I live in Pisa and would love to get to know some people here! Feel free to send a message to meet up :)
Barbara Burrelli
Scritto 9 anni fa
Olá brasileiros e/ou portugueses,
me chamo Barbara, sou italiana e estudo Linguas em Pisa. Preciso melhorar o meu português porque estou fazendo um projecto com o português e vou ao Brasil em novembro. Algúem ta interessado no tandem italiano-português? Posso ajudar com o italiano ou o espanhol. Muito obrigada! Espero as suas mensagens. :-)
elvira roka
Scritto 9 anni fa
Hi there! Student from Athens Greece here. I wanted to ask Ariadni about her experience in Pisa. I'm also a student in History and Archeology and right now I have to start filling in my Erasmus papers. Aridani how was your experience in Pisa? Would you recomend it? How was the university, the people, the food and what about entertainment? Did you have a good Erasmus experience?
Mostrando 1-14 di 14 pubblicazioni