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Architecture Paris, La Villette

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Hi! we are Luis and Natàlia, and we wonder if there are more people who are going to Paris La Villette the next course to study architecture. We don't know if we are going to a flat or a residence, but a flat seems more appealing to us, and less expensive. We are studying in Catalonia :)

is anyone else going there to study architecture?

Hi Natalia, I'm Kim, from Ljubljana, Slovenia and I'm also going to study architecture at Villette next year. I was also looking at residences (I think Villette doesn't even have one), but it seems quite hard to get in and could be also quite expensive, so flat does seem like a better option :)

in fact I think a flat is a better option. I will add you as a friend in facebook and if you want we can talk about it :)

Salut Natàlia,

Je suis Kevin de l'école d'architecture de paris la villette et je viens en érasmus à URV architecture à Reus. Je vais dans quelques jours aller en espagne chercher un logement et j'aimerais avoir quelques informations sur Reus et Tarragone pour m'installer. En fait je voudrais savoir si Reus est une ville dynamique,cool et si ça vaut plus le coup que Tarragone? Où est ce que se loge la plupart des étudiants en architecture à URV ceux du campus bellissen? si je décide de me loger à Tarragone est ce que l'école est facile d'accès en transport en commun et en combien de temps?

Si tu peux m'aider, merci beaucoup :)

Mostrando 1-5 di 5 pubblicazioni


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