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Summer in Madrid 2014

Mostrando 1-4 di 4 pubblicazioni


Hello :) 

Is there anyone that will be spending their summer in Madrid? I will be studying in July and August and hope to meet, go out and explore the city with some people around my age (20). 



Hi there Alex! I study in Madrid, and will probably spend all of June and part of July(still to confirm) in Madrid, before leaving to South America for the rest of the summer. If I'm still around I would love to show you around Madrid! :)

hi, my name is Cristina and i m spanish , i live in Madrid and if you want to meet  me, , i think that in the summer i will be in Madrid

Do you have a flat already?? I have a free room! :)

We are young and nice people!

Mostrando 1-4 di 4 pubblicazioni


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