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Language exchange

Mostrando 1-4 di 4 pubblicazioni


Hi, i am Jacky and i am a exchange student from Hong Kong. 
My exchange programme are nearly finish but i am going to stay in Madird in June just to improve my spanish. So i wonder if anyone are interested in Chinese that we can have a language exchange thing and make a friend. That would be fun.

Please contact me :)

Where aré u in Madrid?

Yo puedo ofrecer enseñar aleman, si tenéis interés :)

I'm a 22 years old college student. I'm offer exchange of Spanish for English. I can help with grammar, orthography and pronunciation, also, I have a extended vocabulary in Spanish.
I demand English or French (I don´t know anything about French), it does not matter just conversation or grammar and orthography too.

To contact with me, answer through this webside.

Mostrando 1-4 di 4 pubblicazioni


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