busco gente para compartir piso, voy a la universidad rey juan Carlos!
Tema creato da vol vrainofre
— 14 anni fa
Mostrando 1-4 di 4 pubblicazioni
vol vrainofre
Scritto 14 anni fa
vengo en Madrid entre el 20 y 24 de agosto para encontrar un piso compartido! y vuelvo de nuevo el 1 de septiembre! hay alguien que esta nteresado para encontrar un piso junto? Busco en el centro, Retiro, y en el baro de Salamanca! Voy a la Rey Juan Carlos en derecho!
Hasta pronto!
raphael castelnuovo
Scritto 14 anni fa
i am going in URJC like you but in the mostoles campus...now i am in madrid to find out a flat...if you want we can look together...
Catarina Costa
Scritto 14 anni fa
Hi Chloé!
I'm from Portugal and for the next semester I'll go to Madrid study at UCM..
I was looking for an apartement to split with another erasmus student at the same areas, Retiro, Salamanca..
If you are interested you can send me an e.mail to [email protected] and you can answer in spanish..
Felix Cambier
Scritto 13 anni fa
I'm in Madrid now and I'm looking for an appartment. If you have any plans for me, it will be nice.
Mi email es [email protected].
Mostrando 1-4 di 4 pubblicazioni