Sai già qual è la tua destinazione? Le migliori offerte di alloggio sono le prime a spiccare il volo, non fartele scappare!

Voglio cercare casa ORA!

Accomodation London - Roehampton

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Hi, my name's Dani, I'm a 20 years old Spanish student and I'm looking for a flat in London 'cause I'll go there with a Erasmus scholarship for 10 months, more specifically to Roehampton University. I would like to find a flat near this university and, if possible, share it with foreign students. Please contact me if you are in the same situation and you want to find a Spanish roommate, my email is the following one: [email protected]

Hola Dani, hay una empresa llamada EASYFLAT, que te busca alojamiento. Ponte en contacto con ellos a la direccion de correo
[email protected]

good luck!!!

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