Busco estudiantes de Psicología!
Tema creato da Paula V.M.
— 14 anni fa
Mostrando 1-7 di 7 pubblicazioni
Paula V.M.
Scritto 14 anni fa
Hola! Estoy estudiando Psicología y me interesaría irme el curso que viene (2011/2012) de Erasmus, uno de los destinos que pretendo pedir es Lisboa. Por eso me gustaría de alguien que haya ido o que esté allí estudiando Psicología, que me informase un poco sobre las asignaturas (si son parecidas a las españolas o cambian mucho), el idioma, el coste de vida, el alojamiento... Bueno, sobre esto último puede opinar cualquiera, pero sobre las asignaturas obviamente no xD
Muchas gracias de antemano!!! =)
Phil Tdm
Scritto 14 anni fa
Hey Paula! The language is very similar to Spanish and the cost of living is not high - much less than Madrid or Barcelona for example..
As for the asignaturas I have no idea, sorry ;)
But trust me, erasmus in Lisbon is an experience to remember for life!
Paula V.M.
Scritto 14 anni fa
Thanks!!! =)
Phil Tdm
Scritto 14 anni fa
No pb! In case you decide to come in exchange or pass by as a tourist, let me know! :)
Marina Ferreira
Scritto 14 anni fa
Hello Paula!
I'm studying Psychology in Lisbon (in Faculdade de Psicologia da Universidade de Lisboa) so i guess i can answer some of your doubts.
You wont have a hard time with portuguese. The spanish students in my faculty can understand most of the things and some of them even learnt the language easily! As for the cost of life i think it depends on your life style but the public transportation is not very expensive (we have a discount for students under 23 yrs) and there are many places where you can buy your groceries without spending much money (look for Lidl!).
As for the "assignaturas" i can't help since i don't know how they are in spain :|
Feel free to ask anything :D
I can also answer in portuguese or (try to answer in) spanish if you prefer
Paula V.M.
Scritto 14 anni fa
Ohh thanks a lot Marina!! Any doubt I could have I will ask you! =)
Marina Ferreira
Scritto 14 anni fa
I'll be waiting :D
Mostrando 1-7 di 7 pubblicazioni