Erasmusu Staff
Scritto 13 anni fa
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Liege 2012 / 2013!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Liege in 2012 / 2013 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Liege, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:
- The general forum for Liege
- The accommodation in Liege
- The blog Erasmus Liege
- What to see in Liege, Erasmus party, where to eat
- Erasmus experiences in Liege
- People who have been, are and will be in Liege
- A photo gallery of Liege
- The map and weather in Liege
- The universities in Liege
Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Liege or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Liege.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Marta Arteaga
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hii! I´m Marta Arteaga Íñigo, future erasmus from Alicante, Spain. I'm studying law and bussines, and I'm 21. I don´t speak very well english, but I want to learn it next year in Liege and meet a lot of people from all the world :) I give you my facebook to know us soon! And another thing, is about accomodation, do you know how are you living next year? I would like to share accommodation with people from all over the world, not only spanish people, and I have two friends I´ve met recently and they are in my same situation., if you want to live with us, contact us! Well, nice to meet you and we are going to have a perfect nice year!! A lot of kissesss
Facebook: Marta Arteaga Iñigo
Bonjour! Je suis Marta Arteaga, prochaine Erasmus pour l'année 2012.2013, j'ai 21 ans et j'étudie droit et économiques en Alicante, Espagne. Je ne parle pas très bien anglais, français un peu mieux mais pas beacoup, j'aimerais aprendre les deux langues l'année prochaine et connaitre personnes de toutes les nationalités!
Une autre chose, sur le logement, vous savez où vous allez habiter l'année prochainne? J'aimmerais partager maison avec personnes de tout le monde, pas seulement espagnols, et j'ai connu deux personnes qui sont dans ma même situation ou cas. Si vous etes dans notre situtation, n'hesitez pas a me contacter! Bon, enchantée de vous connaitre et on va passer une année parfaite!! gros bisoussss
Ben Stuart
Scritto 12 anni fa
Bonjour Marta,
Je suis un étudiant anglais et je vais effectuer un séjour a Liege aussi. Est-ce que vous et vos amis cherchez encore un collocataire?
Paula Tomaszewska
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi! I'm a polish student who's also going to study in Liege next semester. I just found this site and I see there are a lot of spanish (or spanish speaking) students. Well, I'm not one of them ;) I'd like to find some accomodation (or flatmates for the beginning) before I come because my dorm is going to be kind of expensive - 350€. If you are looking for someone I may be interested. I'm going to study business in HELMo.
Ben Stuart
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hey Paula,
Are you studying in Liege for the whole year or just the one semester?
Spela Petelinek
Scritto 12 anni fa
hi:) i'm a student from slovenia and i am also coming to Liege at the end of august to study at the institute for human and social sciences for the whole year. I'm also looking for an appartment, the cheapest the better:)
Cristina Ortiz
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hello, I'm going to ULG on February, only the second semester because I study law and subjects are very different. I'm from Spain but I'm trying to speak only English or French because I want to improve them. I'll go to Sart Tilman residence, and I have no idea if there were people who will go too. Anyway I hope I could learn a lot of English.
Paula Tomaszewska
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hey Ben,
I'm coming for one semester, but I already have a dorm booked. But I know a girl who's looking for flatmates :D
Cassandre Romilly
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi, I'm Cassandre, a French Student, I'm supposed to go to the Haute école de la province de Liège from September to January the 31st. I should have got some room in a dormitory but it actually didn't go so well. I'm looking for some flatmates.
Ben Stuart
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hey Spela,
I'm also looking to study a few modules in IHSS and will be in Liege the whole year. There are a few people on here looking to potentially share an apartment, for example Marta. I personally want to talk to people a bit to see if we get on and then go from there. Are you looking to live in the centre of Liege?
Spela Petelinek
Scritto 12 anni fa
I tottaly understand where do you come from about knowing at least a little about the people that you will live with:)to me it dosen't have to be the city centre, but it would be great if it wouldn't be miles away from the faculty and of course everything else:)
Birutė de
Scritto 12 anni fa
hey, everybody!
i'm birute from lithuania, i'm going to study psychology in liege in autumn semester. my french is not that good but i still have a summer so i hope i'll improve. :DD
my facebook is Birute se Saint-Vovere, please contact me, it would be nice to get to know to each other, especially if you're going to study psychology!
i hope i'll get uni accomodation but if not, i'll have to look for it as well.
by the way, maybe anyone of you know how to get in contact with people who already had erasmus in liege and studied pschology? maybe there's a forum to discuss with them or their contacts given somewhere?
özge özgül
Scritto 12 anni fa
I am Özge from Turkey. I will come in Liege as an erasmus student at Haute Ecole de La Province Liege. My department is business administration. I am looking for a room for 5 months which is from 10th September to 31 January. If someone help me , I would be glad.
Emilia Nycha
Scritto 12 anni fa
Salut ,
I am Emilia from Greece. I am 20 years old, coming to Liege for a cemester from 6th september to 31st january, studying at tha faculty of psychology and education . Looking for a place to live, with other erasmus people... If anyone needs a flatmate, please contact me.
Melis Soyumgürbüz
Scritto 12 anni fa
I am Melis from Turkey, I am going to come for first semester from the end of august to the end of january. I have already booked a room from university residence. I am studying political science. etc =)
Laura Pittino
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi Everybody ! I'm french from Guadeloupe !
I am also student at ULg for the next year coming, and looking for roomates to improve english and Spanish.
I am 20 and studying Biology.
If you're still looking for a roomate, contact me ! Here is my facebook : Laura Pittino.
See you soon !
Cristina Ortiz
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi Laura, I'm Cristina, from Spain, so If you want to improve your Spanish, here I am! The only problem is that I will study in Liege during the second semester.
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi friends : )) i am ERASMUS student from Turkey , but my nationality is Georgian : )) i arrive to Liege in September but i still dont have any dorm or house :S i am looking for dorm price of 200euros.. pls help me : )) P.S. i am going to study in Haute Ecole De La Province De Liege the faculty of Business
Diana Nowogródzka
Scritto 12 anni fa
I'm Diana and I go for Erasmus for the entire academic year. Unfortunately, I have a problem with find accomodation in Liege. I would like to live with other people from other the world. My english is very poor, but I would like to study this language on Erasmus :-D. I prefare french.
At this moment, the most important for me, is to find an accomodation with other people.
If you have something or you're looking for a roommate don't hesitate to contact with me here or on facebook :-).
I' m waiting for your response :-).
And see you in Liege :-)!
Je suis Diana et je vais a l'Erasmus pour l'année entière. Malhaureusement, j'ai le probleme avec trouver un appartement ou le kot a Liege. Je voudrais habiter avec d'autres personnes qui viennent de monde entier. Mon anglais est tres mouvais, mais je veux aprendre cette langue pendant l'Erasmus en parlant avec d'autres personnes a l'Erasmus :-D. Je prefere francais.
En ce moment, le plus important pour moi est trouver un logement avec d'autres.
Si, vous avez ou vous cherchez une colocataire, n'hesitez pas conacter avec moi ici ou sur facebook :-).
J'attend de votre reponse :-).
A plus tard a Liege :-)!
Chris Blei
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hey there - I'm gonna be Erasmus-student during the 2nd semester of 2012/ I'll be in Liège from February 2013 on :)) Can't wait for it :D