Tomasz Dojcz
Scritto 12 anni fa
I'm a computer science student from Poland. I'm looking for opinions about passing exams at University of Jaen. Could anybody tell me whether exams are hard to pass or not? Should I know Spanish in order to study? The best opinions would be from students from my country. I also mean opinions from students of other subjects, different from computer science. Thanks for replying in advance.
Alejandro Lopez
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi tomasz!! University of jaen will take care of you, dont worry. Normally, teachers are willing to help erasmus Student, yo know what a I mean...
If you go to talk to them to their offices and go to class regularly, most of them will help you to pass the subject with no problems.
Of course there are few of them that dont help erasmus student and treate them as if they were Spanish student, but this is not normal
I am studying Bussines and Law in UJAEN and I always see erasmus marks, and they get always 7/10 or 8/10 when Spanish students get lower marks in general.
I would recommend you to come here, talk to them and ask for help. If you find out that a teacher is not helping you, then change his subject for another one in the week you have to modify the learning agreement ;)
Have fun here, I will do the same next year in your country! any question, ask
Tomasz Dojcz
Scritto 12 anni fa
in which city are you gonna study in my country? do I have to know Spanish in order to study or English will be sufficient? :D
Alejandro Lopez
Scritto 12 anni fa
Many teachers let students to study English books and they can do the exam in English, but some of them wont understand it, most of 30-ish years old people in Spain, even more in Jaen, dont speak english. Students and erasmus teachers and coordinators do speak it, so they can help you, dont worry.
If I were you, I will go with someone that can speak both english and spanish, maybe one student you see in class, and talk with te teacher. If you see that he is not helping you and he tells you that you have to do the exam in Spanish, you can think about changing the subject.
When you come here, you can tell me, maybe I am still in jaen, I will help you, but Im sure that UJAEN has already contacted some UJAEN student to help you, (buddy program, as in Poland)
I will study next year in Lodz, the full course. Have you ever been there? I know its not Gdansk or Poznan, but I think the city its OK.
Tomasz Dojcz
Scritto 12 anni fa
No I've never been there ;) I study in Poznań and many of my friends study there. Łódź is a beautiful and attractive city ;) So do you definitely think that I shouldn't be afraid of my exams in Jaen? :D
Alejandro Lopez
Scritto 12 anni fa
No, I dont think so, just get some info of the teacher from himself and from the students. One advantage of JAen is that we are Andalisian, thats mean extremely funny, kind, joker and cheerful people. Most of the students will help you always!
Tomasz Dojcz
Scritto 12 anni fa
So I change my question into: Do you think that I cope with exams with help of Andalisian students and getting information about a teacher from my coordinator? :D I know that people from Jaen are extremaly polite and helpful ;) Could you give me your skype nick or facebook, please? :D
Alejandro Lopez
Scritto 12 anni fa
I think you will deal with them, yes. I am not on Skype very much, my skypename is yainmus. Facebook is the same as the name you see, alejandro jaime lopez. add me!
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