Sai già qual è la tua destinazione? Le migliori offerte di alloggio sono le prime a spiccare il volo, non fartele scappare!

Voglio cercare casa ORA!

Erasmus Krakow 2021/2022

Mostrando 1-2 di 2 pubblicazioni


Hi! It's Nikola. I study in Italy and I will attend Jagiellonian University during the first semester. I'm really happy to see that a lot of people from different countries will be in Krakow the same period. When you'll be there I would love to meet you, and if you're searching for a roommate fell free to text me!

Hope to hear from you soon!    

Hi Nikola!! I´m searching for a roomate. 

Mostrando 1-2 di 2 pubblicazioni


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