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Erasmus Covilha 2017/2018

Mostrando 1-5 di 5 pubblicazioni



Is there anyone who is going in September on erasmus to Covilha. I'm looking for people from Poland and more.

greetings :) 

Hello :) 

I`m going to Covilha this september.  Do you know how to get there? I was looking for some flight but the airport in Covilhã is permanently closed. I saw some trains but is`s very looong trip. What kind of transport do you choose? 

Cześć :) możesz lecieć albo do Porto albo do Lizbony, a z tamtąd są już bezpośrednie autobusy Citi Express albo Rede Expressos, można też pociągiem ale z przesiadką. Ja jechałam akurat z Porto ;)

Hi! I'm from Spain and I'm going to Covilha in September too!

Hello! We are two boys of Spain, and we are going to Covilha for the first cuarter of the university course. :)

Mostrando 1-5 di 5 pubblicazioni


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