selvican yeşildağ
Scritto 12 anni fa
hello there!
I am a Turkish student coming to Budapest on September 2012! I would like to find a cheap room,or i can share a room with somebody.Cheers...!
Raquel Polo
Scritto 12 anni fa
hi! what are you gonna study in Budapest! I'm raquel and I'm studying medicine =)
selvican yeşildağ
Scritto 12 anni fa
i will study ELT(English learning Teaching),and looking for a room or roommate:D
Marie Tshitenge
Scritto 12 anni fa
HEY, i'm a girl fom Belgium searching for a room or roomate for the Fall Semester, I'm going to study at the Corvinus University.
Cheers :-)
Thomas Depret
Scritto 12 anni fa
I was in Budapest last semester, and i found a very good agency it names Cote-Est.
It has got some small and big flats.
Emmanuel Rodary
Scritto 12 anni fa
I can suggest you a room in my apartment :
It is easy access to Corvinus University by tramway direct from dowstairs the apartment (Line #4 or #6 six stations)
Two rooms are booked by Spanish girls, one French girl is interested so at least one room is still available.
Plese tell me if you are interested.
Best Regards
Thomas Depret
Scritto 12 anni fa
Hi Emmanuel,
Thanks for the request, but I have a flat where i can be.
Marie Tshitenge
Scritto 12 anni fa
think I found a prety nice flat, so anyone want to be my flatmate in the fall semester? :D (send me a private message)
Mostrando 1-8 di 8 pubblicazioni