Sai già qual è la tua destinazione? Le migliori offerte di alloggio sono le prime a spiccare il volo, non fartele scappare!

Voglio cercare casa ORA!

Looking for a cheap room and people interested in.

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I'm looking for a flat to share with Erasmus people in Brussels for the second semester. I will be there at the end of February. I'm only interested in rooms for less than 300euros. Thanks and have a good time there!See u in the road :D

Hi Carmen,

I am also an Erasmus student from Ireland that will be studying at VUB for the second semester.


I have been trying to get a room sorted for a while now and the search is futile as my budget is 300 euro max!


:) let me know what you think! 

Mostrando 1-2 di 2 pubblicazioni


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