Sai già qual è la tua destinazione? Le migliori offerte di alloggio sono le prime a spiccare il volo, non fartele scappare!

Voglio cercare casa ORA!


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Hola, soy un alumno de Finanzas y Contabilidad en la Universitat de València y estoy interesado en hacer el erasmus al año que viene allí. Quería saber si alguien de mi titulación o de ADE ha estado allí y me pudiese informar de algunas cosas.

Hi! :)

If some of you will be planning to move to Wrocław (Poland) and will need some help with legalization of residence and work than let me know!

Due to a project I am helping expats in legal stuff related with their legalization of residence and work in Wrocław - totally for free! :)

If you are interested write to me :)


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