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Erasmus 2022/23 BAU Centro Universitario de Diseno

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Hi! my name is Allegra and in the first semester of the year 2022-23 I will do the Erasmus in Barcelona, at BAU. Do you have any advice for me? pros and cons of your stay there .. how have you been there .. everything you think is important for me to know. Also if you are looking for accommodation in the same area, do not hesitate to contact me, thank you!

ps. I'm italian


Sono catalano di Barcellona e ti posso aiutare in tuttooo. Io sto cercando cualche persone italiana per migliorare il mio italiano. 

As you waaant, i also can speak english but i prefer italian/catalan/spanish hahahaha

si tu haihe d cualcomande, chiedimi sensa problema


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