Erasmus Uppsala 2012 / 2013 (English)
Sujet créé par Erasmusu Staff
— il y a 13 ans
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Erasmusu Staff
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Uppsala 2012 / 2013!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Uppsala in 2012 / 2013 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Uppsala, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:
- The general forum for Uppsala
- The accommodation in Uppsala
- The blog Erasmus Uppsala
- What to see in Uppsala, Erasmus party, where to eat
- Erasmus experiences in Uppsala
- People who have been, are and will be in Uppsala
- A photo gallery of Uppsala
- The map and weather in Uppsala
- The universities in Uppsala
Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Uppsala or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Uppsala.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Julien Riddersman
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Hej people!
My name is Julien, I'm french and I'm going to study History for the 3rd year in Uppsala Universitet during my Erasmus experience from august 2012 to june 2013.
I will be glad to meet new people before the beginnig. So if you go over there too, see you :)
Conor Felletter
Écrit il y a 12 ans
My name is Conor, but my friends call me Red. I'll be studying in Uppsala from August-2012 till January-2013. A friend of mine told me about all the great Euasmus parties and events she went to while studying in Germany, so I think we should do the same thing in Uppsala. If you're interested in meeting new people and having good parties let me know.
Carlos Rodríguez
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Hey people. I am Carlos, and i'm going to study Business administration from August to January too. Some students have create a facebook page, , so you can take a look and exchange information there.
Hope all we have a great experience in Uppsala.
Kate Ann
Écrit il y a 12 ans
I am going too, to Uppsala, from August to January with my friend. We're going to study agriculture's courses or sth in the middle.
Does anybody hear or could say sth about that city? or any experience about living there..
Julien Riddersman
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Hey Kate,
One of my friends went to study in Uppsala during a year and he told me it was amazing, that's why I chose it... This is the oldest and best university in Scandinavia and there is many people from everywhere in the world. You can do a lot of trips with other studients in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, even in Russia! There is a famous and well done student organisations called the "Nations" : when you arrive at the university, as an "alumni" (new student), you have to choose one of the 13 nations which are ancient groups of students from different parts of Sweden who help each other in the every day life and now it is more a kind of club with a restorant, a bar and many activities.
It's all I know now, I think we will figure out the rest when we will be over there. I think with so much studients, we can't be lost and alone. :)
Oh yes I know something else, it is very hard to find a room! But the best place it is called Flosta, because there are many party organised... on the roof!
See you in Uppsala ;)
Kate Ann
Écrit il y a 12 ans
hmm..on the roof U re sounds exotic.. oh no, it could be a big problem if there are troubls with find the room..especially on Flogsta, which one I was thinking of...
yeah yeah I am sure we gonna stay together I mean all erasmus people, coz Swedish are not so out-going as I wish to be..
Julien Riddersman
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Yes, I asked Flogsta too, I will know if I can have a room only in June, so I really hope so because if I can't, it will be difficult to find something... Anyway, they can't send us back home, can they? ^^ Tell me if you get a room or notwhen you know, may be we can help each other to find a flat to share. You said you came with a friend, me too, and I guess we all have the same problem.
About the swedish people I think it is like everywhere, you can find some french who are very out-going and others who aren't at all... Don't worry, I think the Erasmus comunity is very out going, as I plan to be too! I really hope to meet some swedish students, it is not impossible even if you are right, we may stay a lot with the others erasmus. I already discussed with some of them, on facebook there is group and a page for the exchange students in Uppsala next year, check it out! For now it is mostly spanish people, I guess there will be a lot of them. Is there many people from Poland who go study in Sweden?
Kate Ann
Écrit il y a 12 ans
I have already found the group on Facebook, but it doesnt have so many people that I want to have and mostly there are Spanish writting in spanish language ->that I dont understand and on the other hand I dont crave to translate it on google-translator..:) About the room, I'll know sth on June, when they answer on my application, which they ask in if I want a room...but hello!, it's weird that they dont secured every student from erasmus with the place that could live..In Poland, every erasmus-student has got the place at student-house..
I really hope they'll give me the room, because the rent flat are too expensive for my pocket! Poland's scholarships are just ridiculous for scandinavian prices:(
To be honest Ive know ideas How much people from Poland go to Uppsala..It could be about 50 from all country or more...from my University 5-6?
but U know, now its the recruitment-time and everybodys waiting for the answer with acception...I am not sure for 100% that I come to Uppsala..just like you.. I will know that on June..
Do U thinking about going on swedish courses for learning this 'specific' language?
p.s.sharing flat its quite good idea for me, but I have to ask my friend, your friend is a girl or boy?
Julien Riddersman
Écrit il y a 12 ans
You are right, but there's not anly spanish people, I'm in and there is one german too! xD Serously I hope too there will be more people part of it until august.
I think we all register the same pdf housing application, and in France it is the same thing, the Erasmus people get the best bulding just close to the university. My contact at the erasmus program in my university told me it was because this year there are construction works... *luck*
I really hope to have a room too, to be with the other students and to be part of everything they do. But I think for the price of flat it can be possible if we are more than one or two per appartement.
I began to take swedish courses since I apply to the erasmus program, in january, there was special intensive courses for thoses who wanted to go in a country where the language is rare (in France). So I talk a little bit and I chose my course I will follow the first level swedish courses during the two semesters. I think it is important to talk the language, even a bit, if we live in a country who welcome us.
I have to ask my friend too, it is really in case we don't get a room, it could be cool to have back up solutions. My friend is a girl, we had the chance to be the two selected of the history departement of our university while we know each other since two year! I know an other guy who will do researsh and I know there will be other peole from the other departements but I don't know them yet, may be 6-8. And your friend is?
David Blanc
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Hey ! I'm a french student in history too and also asked for Flogsta, we should have more informations about it in july. I hope to see you guys in August then ! I should arrive on august 27, to try to find a bike when there are some hehe.
Julien Riddersman
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Cool, I will come with a friend in history too, we are both from Rennes. I can't wait to know more about the housing it! I registered for EILC courses (cours CIEL en frenchie) at Gävle University, so I will be in sweden the august 5th! So if you need to know some things before you come I may help you, I think I will be in Uppsala the august 18th, if not I will see you at history courses. About that, did you chose courses only in the history departement? I take two from the english departement. And did you take swedish courses in Grenoble?
David Blanc
Écrit il y a 12 ans
So i havnt take any swedish courses before coming, ill have one semester to learn swedish, something like "basic swedish". The rest of my courses are for the moment in history depart but it seems that i cant take "migrants & migrations" anymore so ill have to take something else for the second semester. Have you seen that :
(Fr : )
Julien Riddersman
Écrit il y a 12 ans
No I didn't saw that, thanks a lot ! It is quite funny, I think go there is really adventure so a little help is welcome ! :p
I think my courses list is ok if they didn't send it back to me for changes. Tell me if you have news about housing, I will do the same.
David Blanc
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Do you know if we have to do the Uppelhallstillstand before or after our arrive in sweden ?
(Tu comptes faire un passeport ?)
Julien Riddersman
Écrit il y a 12 ans
By "Uppelhallstillstand" you meen housing right? If yes I think we have to wait more informations during late June...
Pour le passeport j'en ai un que j'emènerai au cas ou mais normalement en pays de l'Union Européenne il n'y a besoin que de la carte d'identitée si je ne me trompe pas ! A moins que tu ne sois pas né en France ou que tu n'ai pas de carte d'identité (ce que je doute ^^) ça devrait le faire mais renseigne toi quand meme au relations internationales de ta fac ils savent bien ça.
David Blanc
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Le Upp quelque chose est un document obligatoire qu'on peut faire une fois arrivée en suède d'après ce que j'ai compris. Regarde sur le petit "dossier" (de 4 pages ^^) d'information d'Histoire. "Residence permt, p number & health insurance"
jochen lauwers
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Hello all, I'm Jochen from Belgium. I'm going to study Biology from august till january and I'm really looking forward to meet a lot of new people and have some nice parties. I also had a lot of problems finding a appartment but eventually I got one in Flogsta.
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