Erasmus Sevilla 2014 / 2015 (English)
Sujet créé par Erasmusu Staff
— il y a 11 ans
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Erasmusu Staff
Écrit il y a 11 ans
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Sevilla 2014 / 2015!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Sevilla in 2014 / 2015 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Sevilla, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:
- The accommodation in Sevilla
- Other students that are looking for accommodation
- Students jobs in Sevilla
- The general forum for Sevilla
- The blog Erasmus Sevilla
- What to see in Sevilla, Erasmus party, where to eat
- Erasmus experiences in Sevilla
- People who have been, are and will be in Sevilla
- A photo gallery of Sevilla
- The map and weather in Sevilla
- The universities in Sevilla
Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Sevilla or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Sevilla.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Antonio Garcia
Écrit il y a 11 ans
Hi! I'm a spanish student who is always happy to meet people from all around the world. If you need some help, want some tips&tricks, the opinion of a native sevillian or just having a walk around the city, write me! ^^
Eutasquio Sebastian
Écrit il y a 11 ans
HI there! I am a Spanish erasmus doing my erasmus semester abroad just right now. Coming back to Seville in a month, I am looking forward to keep living the erasmus experience!
Whatever you need, contact me!
Hasan Karacan
Écrit il y a 11 ans
Hey. I am Turkish Student in Eskisehir. I want to know about Sevilla for my 14/15 Erasmus experince. I just want to know; how much is it cost to living in Sevilla per Month. Best places to live etc. If you contact me, it will be great. Thanks.
Joana Moreira
Écrit il y a 10 ans
Hi!I am also a student from England going to be in Seville Sept- December. Working in a language school near university of seville. :)
Carlo Favero
Écrit il y a 10 ans
Hello everybody! I'm from Padova,Italy. I'm going to study in Seville at US from september to june..I'm looking for a room to share with roommates next to the centre..if someone has some ideas and want to help me, please write to me! :)
Roman Mamula
Écrit il y a 10 ans
Hi everyone, I'm going to study in Seville from Sep-June and would definitely appreciate any advices and experiences about accomodation, etc. Thanks a lot, see you :)
serena zizzari
Écrit il y a 10 ans
Hello everybody =) I'm from Caserta,Italy.
I'm studing law to the University Federico II (Naples) and i'm going to study in seville at US for 9 months(september-june) . I am hoping to meet other people and to have some help to look for a room.
Thanks a lot, see you :)
Hannah Roberts
Écrit il y a 10 ans
Hello! I'm Hannah and I am from England! I study French and Spanish at Aston University in Birmingham, UK. I will be in Seville between September and January for one Erasmus semester at UPO. I am looking for other students to live with me, preferably in Triana or somewhere close to the Metro! I would love to live with people from all over the world! :)
victoria H
Écrit il y a 10 ans
hello I'm from Greece. I'm going to study in Seville at UPO university from september to january.I'm looking for roomates to share a big house in the center of seville.
Thanks a lot, see you :)
Kyra Lorenz
Écrit il y a 10 ans
I'm Kyra from Germany and I study English and Spanish. I am going to study at the University of Seville from Sep to July. I will probably look for a room when I arrive in August. Hopefully my room mates won't be German-speaking (I would like to improve my English or Spanish!) See you there! :)
clarisse corrales
Écrit il y a 10 ans
Hello ! Im a student from Belgium. I'm stuying human ressources at university and I'll be in Sevilla the second semester of next year ( from february to june). I would like to improve my spanish so do you have any recommendation for a nice room where I could meet and live with local students ? Do you know if it's still possible to find a room overthere or if It's better to book it before going there ? Thank a lot for your help and see you there :)
Giulia Migliore
Écrit il y a 10 ans
Hola chicos!!!Soy Giulia, soy de Napolès y estudio filologia italiana. He vencido una borsa de estudio erasmus para 9 meses en Sivilla. Tengo problemas con la iscriptiòn en la Secreteria Virtual, vosotros ya habeis hecho todo?? Besos!
Fabiola Santoro
Écrit il y a 10 ans
Hi! I'm from italy, I'm studyng economy and I will go at sevilla in september at universidad pablo de olivade! :)
Thibault Corniquel
Écrit il y a 10 ans
Hola ! I'm Thibault, from France ! I'm glad to see that there are other people who are looking for a place to live or to meet people ^^
I'm studying languages and i'll spend a semester in Sevilla, from September to January, so I'm looking for an accomodation, particularly a flatshare with several people (at least 4).
Gianmarco Guerra
Écrit il y a 10 ans
Hi ..I'm jimmy , I'm Italian.I will be to Sevilla from September 2014 to July 2015.I'm studyng business and managment , and I will attend the Universitad de Sevilla (facultad de ciencas Economicas y Empresariales).I'm searching a room and I would like to know what is the best area to live there ( Barrio de Santa cruz , Triana..), and I would like to know some opinions about my future university.
Sarah Iacomini
Écrit il y a 10 ans
Hey everyone! I'm Sarah from Florida, USA :) I'm going to be attending la Universidad de Pablo Olavide from September-December. I'm looking for roommates for a shared flat, hopefully in centro sur. If anyone wants to meet up when we get there, let me know!
Daniela Vallejo
Écrit il y a 10 ans
Hi everyone! I'm Daniela from Colombia, I'm going to Sevilla from september to July and I would be very happy to meet you guys. I already have a house with a friend and we are looking for 2 more people to share it. It is located in the center. If you are interested let me know :)
Fiona Kelk
Écrit il y a 10 ans
Hola everybody!! I'm Fiona (but everyone calls me Effy), from England. I study Spanish and French at Bristol University and I'll be studying in Seville at UPO from september to january. But before then I'll be working at La Banda hostel (by the cathedral) for a few months, so if anybody's out in Seville early please come and say hi!! I'll be looking for a place to live from september onwards - ideally with loads of different nationalities and in the centre - so let me know if you want to find a place, or need a roommate :) chao hasta pronto!!