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French student of 21 looking for flatmates

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Ciao tutti!

I am looking for an accomodation to share with others nice students (from every country!) in San Giovanni or Pigneto (or even San Lorenzo).

I'm a young girl from France, studying my 4th year of medecine in Tor Vergata university.

I like partying, drinking beer (I come from the north of France, where it is the golden beverage..) and having interesting discussions about everyting ! I am open minded and I love learning new things or debate! I also like laughing and "disfrutar de la vida" (I also speak a bit of spanish ;) )

I really want to enjoy a lot my Erasmus, so if you are in the same mood please contact me that we can look together for an accomodation!

Hasta pronto!! 

Wonderful. I am also looking for other students. I intend to start my education from Tor Vegata from October.

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