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Exchange : Learning languages (French,Português-German)

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Quero aprender alemão com alguém que fala fluentemente esta lingua. Em troca, posso ensinar-vos o português ou o francês (sou francês).

I'm searching for a German (native) who teach me German. In exchange, you can learn French (I'm French) and Portuguese with me.

I'm searching for a German (native) who teach me German. In exchange, you can learn Portuguese (I'm Brazilian) or English with me.

I live in Zurich and I'm searching for a German or Swiss (native) who teach me German. In exchange, you can learn Portuguese (I'm Brazilian) or English with me.

The Ginásio da Educação Da Vinci Porto-Boavista offers PORTUGUESE FOR FOREIGNERS COURSES certified by BabeliUM - Language Centre of the Institute of Arts and Humanities (ILCH), University of Minho.

See more information at:

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