Erasmus First Semester(2023/2024)
Sujet créé par Pedro Oliveira
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Pedro Oliveira
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Hi Everyone.
I'm a Portuguese student looking for more people that are going in Erasmus to West Bohemia University in Plzen.
Thank you for your help.
Maria Carvalho
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Olá Pedro! O meu nome é Maria, também vou para a West Bohemia em Pilsen. Vais no primeiro ou segundo semestre?
Madalena Dias
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Olá Pedro e Maria! Sou a Madalena e também vou no primeiro semestre para a UWB, com uma amiga :)
Pedro Oliveira
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Ola se quiserem dar add para falarmos e criarmos um grupo o meu insta é pedrooliveirs
Écrit il y a 1 an
Hi Pedro,
I am a French student, and I am going to spend the summer semester (in 2024) in Pilsen.
I will be glad to discuss with you.
See you soon, Nina
Assane Thiam
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Hello my name is Assane THIAM i am from Senegal and i am an international student in university of West Bohemia in Pilsen.I want to get a Friend in this university ?
Écrit il y a 1 an
Hi Pedro,
I am a italy student, and I am going to spend the summer semester (in 2024) in Pilsen.
I will be glad to text with you.
See you soon
Voici 1-8 de 8 posts