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Erasmus Paris 2012 / 2013 (English)

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Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Paris 2012 / 2013!

This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Paris in 2012 / 2013 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Paris, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:

Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Paris or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Paris.

Livin' la vida Erasmus!

Hi everyone! Im going to Paris in september 2012. If anyone want to talk or share some information i will be glad. send me a private message or add my email: [email protected]  See you :D 

Hola Pedro! My name is Felicitas,i`m from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I´m going to Paris in august/september 2012. My intention is to rent an apparment or a "piso compartido" for a month. Then, i continue my trip visiting several cities in Europe. If you want,we can talk it. My email is [email protected]


Salut! I'm an Irish student currently living in Paris, staying until the end of July 2012. Just looking to make the most of my time here  - so for ideas about unusual things to do, and to meet other students around the place. My email is [email protected] :)

hi! my name is Rita and i'm a dentistry student going on erasmus next year (2012/2013) to Paris. I would like some information about the cours, where is the best place to live in Paris, residence or room,... anything that could help me  to prepare to the next year. thank you very much!


I'm an italian student and I'm going to Paris semptember 2012 to do my Erasmus (Paris V Descartes - law). I want to rent an apartement with other guys. There is anyone interested?

I am interested !! I am from Istanbul = )) I am going to be in Paris in september 2012 and for an academic year I will have been there .. (The university is Science Po Paris, political science ) 

Hello everybody :)) I am currently studying in Denmark and I am also going to Paris in September ( INSEEC business school). I am looking for people to rent an apartment together as well :))) So we should gather and rent super cool apartment in the centre of the city :))) If someone wants to talk send me a private message here or add me on facebook ;)

Hello everybody! :)

I am Nathalie and I'm going to study at the university of Paris X Nanterre (Erasmus), the first semester 2012-2013. I would like to meet new people who will also study there! 

Bonjour tout le monde! :)

Je m'appelle Nathalie et j'étudierai à l'Université Paris X Nanterre, (Erasmus) le premier semestre 2012-2013. Je voudrais rencontrer de nouvelles personnes, qui étudieront aussi là-bàs! 

The university  and the time period are same  !! :D so it is likely to meet one day = ))

salut a tout le monde :)

I'm Ula, currently studying in Gdansk, Poland, and will be on Erasmus in University Paris 5 Rene Descartes from september 2012 for two semesters studying linguistics and am looking for some cool people to rent an appartment with!!! anyone interested or have some ideas, feel free to contact me via email: ulmor at or through facebook! hope to meet some of you guys, bisous

Fb contact: Enrica del Rosso

Salut! Je suis Enrica, je suis italienne et j'étuderai à l'Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III (Etudes théatrales) pour au premièr semestre 2012, septembre-janvier. Je suis très sympa et je'ai dejà vècu dans colocation. J'espere de connaitre qualqu'un de vous :)



Hi! My name's Enrica, i'm Italian e i'm going to study at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III (Performing arts studies) for the first semestre 2012, september-january. I'm very frendly and i've lived  in shared apartament for years. I hope to meet someone of you. :)


Hola! Me llamo Enrica, soy italiana y voy a estudiar a la Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III (Estudios teatrales) por el primer semestre 2012, septiembre-enero. Soy mucho agradable y he ya vivido en piso compartido. Espero de conocer alguien de vosotros. :)

Nobody is thinking about staying in a residence, like Cite Universitaire?

I have applied to it but I am not hopeful = )

Hi everyone!!!! I just found out that i'll be in paris from next september, studying at Paris IV.. where are you searching for a flat? :)

Hi everyone!!!!

My name is Olivia and I am now studying in Greece.

I may be in paris next spring semester at universite Pierre et Marie Curie...Anyone else going there?                                                                       I will apply to cite universitaire. Is it difficult to be accepted there???

Hope to meet you all!!!!!

Hey All!

My name is seun and ill be in Paris at Sciences Po starting September! Super excited!

If anyone wants to chat about Sciences po specifically that'll be great. I know quite a few people going. Looking to rent a medium sized appartment with about 3-4 other people. 


Hi everybody!

I'm Irene, I'm a spanish student, and I'm moving to Paris on an erasmus in september, to study cinema at Denise Diderot University (Paris VII). 

Although I haver applied to the residences, just in case, I would like to share an appartment with people from other countries, so feel free to contact me by fb if you're interested.

Looking forward to meet you! :)

hello everyone!!! salut a tous!! hola a todos!!! γειά σε όλους!!

I'm going to Paris too in september at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III (Communication & Information) so i hope i'll see some of you there!   I am looking for a student residence too but i think the same with you..unfortunately it's hard to find one!! if u find something intresting please let me know!

I hope we all have a great time! new places,new experiences and new friends are waiting for us this september!!

 enjoy it!hope we'll meet!

Search on Facebook the group for next Erasmus year in Paris: Erasmus paris 2012 2013

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