Dormitory for Erasmus students
Sujet créé par Sara Vinatzer
— il y a 14 ans
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Sara Vinatzer
Écrit il y a 14 ans
I have a question about accommodation in Nice. Where do you usually live Erasmus students, in which dormitory?
Does anyone have any suggestions on which one would be recommendable?
Enora Belhassen
Écrit il y a 14 ans
You can try to find an accomodation near to the School you'll attend. If you can't, there are a few residences for students in Nice like Nicea I guess, or there is one juste in front of the Law School, down the road...
Hope it helped^^good luck =)
Sara Vinatzer
Écrit il y a 14 ans
Thank you Enora! I will have a look at them! Actually I am in EDHEC and it should be close to the airport...probably I d rather look for some accommodation in the centre.
Thank you very much! Are you there too? Or have you already gone?
Enora Belhassen
Écrit il y a 14 ans
Hi Sara!
If you are close to the airport, there is a student accommodation where a friend of mines leaves, it's called "Résidence Universitaire Jean Médecin" and the address is "25 Rue Robert Latouche". I think it's aimed just tor the University students, but you can still ask, it's the closest from the airport...
What year of EDHEC are you? I have a friend in first year^^
I hope you'll enjoy your trip in Nice, it is a very "nice" city :p
I leave on Sept 2nd to Dublin and I'm very excited!
rocioe Perez
Écrit il y a 14 ans
hello my name is Rocio,
I just received confirmation of erasmu nice, going to college sophia Antipolis, and I'm studying tourism.
Nice nose anything about me and I need some help because I'm scared with destiny
Sara Vinatzer
Écrit il y a 14 ans
Cuando iras a Niza? No tengas miedo, es una experiencia muy bonita, con muchos amigos y mucha diversion. No te preocupes, vas a ver que te gustarà. Nosotros ya estamos aqui y es maravilloso!!!!! Te lo prometo!
Isabel .
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hello!! I'm going to Nice too next year, and I just wanted to know if there are any dormitories near Sophia Antipolis University. Does anyone know anything about somewhere to stay? Thank you! :D
Pat ...
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Holaa! bueno yo también me voy a Niza jeje, estudio Derecho, sabeis cual es la residencia más adecuada y cercana a esta facultad! mil gracias!!!
Hello! I study Law, which is the most appropiate lodgement to stay in? the most closet to the law schoo, if it is possible!:)
thanks thanks !!
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