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Your opinion is needed on a new web clases in Malaga.

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TLDR: I want to pick your brain about new program for web design coding in Malaga if you are interested in the field. Help me out.

I am looking for opinions from people who are interested in web design coding. I am a UX/UI and web-design (HTML/CSS/JS) eucator. This is in preparation of launching a new private program in Malaga for in-person, small group/s, in English. I have always taught this program through academic institutions where the format was very strict. I could use your feedback about best frequencies of classes, location, time of day, places to advertise etc. This will be an oppotrunity for people to really dive into the foundation of coding for web design as well as practice professional English. 

If you care to help please contact me in private.

Voici 1-1 de 1 posts


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