Savez-vous quelle est votre nouvelle destination? Les meilleures offres de logement sont les premières à s'envoler, allez-vous les manquer?

Chercher une maison MAINTENANT!

Lille 2015/2016

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Hi, I am looking for a house to rent along with a friend of mine from august till december. I am going on erasmus and i would also like to share house with other international students, we are going to study in ieseg and I am really having problems finding a house that fits our needs. Can someone help me ??

Hello Mate,

I am having the same problem. 

Hi, I'm searching in websites like, or lacartedescollocs. There are some flats to share with other students but I have the same problem. More over, propierties sometimes ask for a parental guarantee and, then, is more difficult....

Voici 1-3 de 3 posts


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